It is good to clean or discharge your rock crystal and all your other gemstones once in a while. And then you recharge them again. Now there are different ways to do that and depending on which stone it concerns, you choose how you will do it. because what can be done with one stone, it is better not to do with another. For example, there are certain stones that react strongly to moisture, such as calcite or hematite, but rock crystal and other strong quartz types can withstand water very well.
In this article we will only discuss rock crystal.
In my previous blog you can read what you can use rock crystal for. Now we are going to clean it, keep it clean and recharge it.
Why is it good to cleanse rock crystal and other stones?
The positive effect or power that stones have would preserve that energy better if they were regularly (spiritually) cleaned. You could say discharge from energetic experiences of yourself, others or the environment. Even if you don’t fully believe in this, cleaning them can be a good idea so that they do not become dull and lose their shine and you prevent them from cracking.
Rock crystal is a beautiful and powerful crystal known for its energy-purifying and healing properties. To make optimal use of these properties, it is important to clean and charge your rock crystal regularly. It is also a good idea to do this especially after heavy use or if the stone has been exposed to negative energies.
Ways to cleanse rock crystal
There are different ways to clean your stones. Some methods do a 2-in-1, cleaning and charging. Nice and efficient 😉.Â
Below I mainly use the word cleansing and not cleaning. I see the latter mainly as removing dust and dirt.By cleansing I mean a deeper form of cleaning.
Cleansing with cold water
Rock crystal can withstand water well and that is why this is perhaps the simplest way of cleaning and it does not take much time.
– Hold your crystal under running cold water for a few minutes. This could be the tap, but also in a stream. Dust and dirt are mainly removed. You then dry your stone with a soft dry cloth or you can place it in a sheltered place to dry.
If your rock crystal is in a piece of jewelry, try to rinse the stone and not the metal or silver and then dry it thoroughly.
-If you have loose pieces of crystals and therefore do not use them in a piece of jewelry, you can also place the stone in a bowl of water overnight after rinsing it with water.
Cleanse with warm water
If you mainly use your rock crystal on your (or someone’s) body, you can clean it with warm water to kill bacteria.
You first boil water and let it cool slightly. Then place the stone or stones in the water for 15 minutes.
You should never put stones in boiling water because they can crack. Then dry the stone or let it air dry in a sheltered place.
Cleanse with sea salt
Opinions are quite divided about the use of (sea) salt. Some say never to do this because salt gets stuck in the stone and would damage it from the inside. Others say that it is only possible with stones that can withstand water well, such as rock crystal.
To be on the safe side, I don’t use this method. If you want to, you can dissolve a few tablespoons of sea salt in a bowl of water. You place your rock crystal there for a few hours or overnight. Then rinse it well with clean water and dry the stone.
Energetic cleansing with soil
You can bury your crystal in the ground or in a flower pot filled with soil. The earth is said to help absorb negative energies and literally ground your stone. You leave your stone or stones in the ground for 24 hours. Then rinse it with clean water. Your crystal is now also charged at the same time.
Energetic cleansing with moonlight
This method also cleans the stone and recharges it at the same time.
You place your stone outside during the night in a place where the moon comes. If outside is not possible, you can also place the stone in a windowsill. Full moon has the strongest active energy. This would then be the best time of the month for cleansing and charging. If it is a bit cloudy, that is not a problem.
Energetic cleansing with sunlight
You can place rock crystal in direct sunlight for several hours. Just don’t do this for too long, because too much bright light could damage your crystal. And with other stones the color can fade.
Cleansing with smoke and smudging
Smudging is a ritual in which you burn certain (sacred) herbs, and often uses a feather to disperse the smoke. Traditionally this is performed by a shaman, but you can also do it yourself. It is used to purify and energetically cleanse people, objects or spaces.
For example, you can use (white) sage or Palo Santo (sacred wood) for smudging. Palo Santo has a sweet, warm scent and has been used for centuries by shamans from Peru and Ecuador in sacred ceremonies. With sage and palo santo, use a refractory bowl or shell and let it burn for about 30 seconds first, then blow out the flame and clean your stone with the smoke. You can then also smudge yourself.
You can of course also use an incense stick with a scent that you like.
To cleanse, hold your crystal in the smoke for a few minutes and make sure the entire stone is enveloped in the smoke or move it continuously through it.
Cleansing with sound
Sound vibrations can also clean your stones. You can use a singing bowl or different singing bowls, a tuning fork or bells for this.
I regularly place my stones and jewelry in my singing bowl and after striking I move the stick around the bowl to let it ‘sing’ for some time.
Cleanse with amethyst or selenite
You can clean your rock crystal, or other stones, with amethyst or selenite. You place your stone on or near a cluster, or on a bed of loose stones. With amethyst it is recommended to do this for 12 hours and with selenite 24 hours because the energy is softer. Don’t forget to clean those stones regularly as well.
Note: Amethyst can also be cleaned with water, but selenite cannot. Selenite is very similar in appearance to rock crystal, but it is softer; You can make scratches in it with your nail, but that is not possible with rock crystal.
Cleaning through visualization
You can also hold your stone in your hands, close your eyes and imagine a bright white light surrounding your crystal. You then visualize that this white healing light cleanses your stone of all negative energies.

Ways to recharge your rock crystal
There are also different ways to recharge your stones.
Recharge with soil
Just as with cleansing, place your crystal in the ground or in a pot with soil, see also the heading Energetic cleansing with soil. You leave your crystal in the ground for 24 hours, then dig it up again and rinse it with clean water and dry it, or let it air dry. Recharging with a full moon is gentler than charging with direct sunlight.
Recharging with the moon
This is also a 2-in-1 method; cleaning and recharging at the same time. See also the heading Energetic cleansing with moonlight.
You place your stone(s) outside in a place where the moon comes or on a windowsill. And if possible, choose a full moon because the energy is strongest.
Charging with a full moon is gentler than charging with direct sunlight.
Recharging with sunlight
This method is also the same as with cleaning with sunlight. You place your rock crystal in direct sunlight for a few hours for powerful vibrant energy. Be careful not to leave the stone in bright sunlight for too long, as it could damage your stone.
Charge with rock crystal cluster or selenite
You can also charge your rock crystal or other stones by placing them on a larger cluster of crystal or a flat selenite, or in a bowl with smaller rock crystals or selenite stones. You let your stone charge for at least 24 hours.
Personal intention and affirmation
You can add a personal intention or affirmation to strengthen the energy when cleansing, but also when charging. You can say this out loud or write it on a piece of paper and place it there.
Cleansing and charging your rock crystal is important
So there are many ways to cleanse and charge your rock crystal or other stones. And whatever way, or combination of ways, you choose, it always contributes to maintaining the energetic power and functioning of your crystal.
To be honest, I haven’t done this at all in the past for years. Sometimes I saw a crack in a stone, and that could be due to incorrect use, but perhaps also due to too many negative energies. Anyway, I’ve been cleaning my stones regularly for years now.
And the stones I use during treatments, such as Chakra Healing massage, reiki treatment, or a distance healing session, are cleaned and recharged after each session.
Hi, my name is Jolinda, and I work as a holistic health practitioner. I provide yoga and meditation classes and massage and Reiki treatments, mindfulness training and happiness coaching,.Â
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