Reiki Treatment: energy that supports your body and mind

Reiki treatment hand at face

When you looking for more contentment, relaxation, decreased feelings of stress, fear and anxiety, a Reiki treatment could be what you need.  Reiki support and activate your own natural healing process of your mind and body.
Common effects of treatment include deep relaxation, reduction of pain and in some cases even the elimination of physical illnesses and persistent conditions.

Reiki: natural healing on a physical and mental level

Reiki is an ancient Japanese method of healing, which is based on the principle that energy is passed on to your body through the laying on of hands. Reiki can be translated as Universal Life energy.  It will naturally support you on a physical and mental level, but it also helps you on a spiritual level. More information you find at about Reiki

What are the benefits of a Reiki treatment?

What Reiki can do for you, in endless. Some of these benefits you can be find on the basic page of Reiki.
Here you will also find more information about what this healing method entails.
Here are some examples where it can help you:

Panic attacks
-Burnout or being overstressed
-Disorders or diseases
-Bad night’s sleep
Menopausal symptoms
-Tension and stress

In support of:
-Trauma processing
-Letting go of old patterns
-In case of grief and loss of a person or animal

How does an in person Reiki treatment work?

During the session you lie on a table or you sit on a chair if lying down is difficult.
Reiki is performed by the laying on of hands  on your body, or (partly) above your body when direct contact is not possible or not wished.
In general the whole body is treated from the head to the feet, by different hand positions.
The energy will flow through  my hands to you.  I am not using my own personal energy, rather I am a conduit to pass the Reiki energy.  
During the treatment you keep your clothes on.

Can you or me decide what needs to be cured or healed?

The energy of Reiki will support you there where you need it.  Therefore I cannot determine what the energy does or what needs to be cured or healed. However during a session, extra time and attention can be given to a specific area.
My intention during your treatment is that the energy  will go there where is needed and always serves you for your highest good. 

For example:  You have migraine attacks or frequent stomach cramps.
During your treatment the healing energy might not go to the head or the stomach directly, but to the underlying problems and tensions, with the result your migraine attack will become less or even dissolve. Same as for the cramps.

There are countless case studies and anecdotal research verifying the effects of Reiki sessions.

How often should I take a reiki treatment?

In general, physical and mental problems and discomfort do not arise overnight. And are therefore not immediately resolved.
A single treatment is of course possible and supportive. However, experience is that on average of 6 treatments are required to yield the desired result.
With a series of treatment you might wish to combine the 1-on-1 treatments with Reiki Distance healing sessions.

Experiences with Reiki 1-on-1 treatments

The reiki session released the big pressure I had on my chest and made me breathe freely again
Due to some personal challenges and changes in my life, I decided to try Reiki on recommendation of a friend. I felt like something was stuck inside myself and I felt so restless and angry often. I was hoping Reiki would help me to break through. And wow it did! It felt like a big stone was lifted off my chest. I know I am still in my healing process, but it was so relieving to breathe again freely and to have good night sleep! I took a serie of session and I don't feel this restless and angry so often anymore. I am so grateful I got this help to be able to make my next steps.
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Prices of Reiki treatment

For prices and packages, kindly have a look at my page prices and locations
A Reiki treatment can also be combined with a massage. 

Reiki session for animals
Prices for animals are the same as for people. 
A life contact session sometimes can take less than an hour depending on the animal and situation. 
A distance treatment can also be a good alternative or can be given in combination with a direct contact session.

Location Reiki treatments: Holland, Spain and Jordan

Reiki sessions are all by appointment.
Treatments are possible at your home, at your company or at another desired location.
As I currently work as a nomadic therapist, the locations vary between the Netherlands, Southern Europe to Jordan.
You can contact me for collaborative projects or check out my current and upcoming locations.

Reiki distance healings sessions are online.

My years of experience with Reiki

In 1997 I heard about Reiki and soon later I did my Level I course.  Intrigued by this mew medium, I practiced almost daily.  My Reiki master at that time was a true inspiration for me;  a wise older women, down to earth and at the same time very spiritual.  She had weekly group meetings, which I joined,  where we treated each other, as well situations, via a Reiki circle. Often you need to experience something to understand and truly feel it.  One year later, I  got my Level II certification. With the 2nd level you are also able to provide distance sessions. I deepened my practice on people, animals, plants and situations.  I always joked I passed for my driving license because of Reiki as I drove through a red light, but still passed the exam.  You never know for sure, coincidence or more had happened?
Years passed by, with periods of regular practice and sometimes just a little. Especially when I suffered from panic attacks and anxiety, Reiki helped me a lot.  In  2017 I felt I was ready to become a  Reiki master.  With the wish to help more people and to provide courses.

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