Reiki is a powerful energetic technique that can help you during menopause. If you are going through this, or pre-menopause, you know better than anyone that this is a period full of changes, both physical and emotional. This energetic treatment can be physical, so on a practitioner’s table, but also online, via a distance treatment.
Some people are more affected by the menopause than others, or perhaps you suffer more from symptoms in one period and (almost) not at all in another period.
Many women experience symptoms such as mood swings, hot flashes, sleep problems, fatigue and muscle pain.
Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing method that can provide you with physical and mental support in a natural way, but it also helps you spiritually. A Reiki distance treatment is an ideal option for you if you cannot go to a practitioner, or if they are far away, or if you simply find it very helpful to receive support from your own familiar environment.
Reiki will not stop hormonal changes, but it can balance them and help relieve certain symptoms and help your body and mind regain balance.
What is a Reiki distance treatment and how does an online treatment work?
Reiki stimulates the self-healing capacity of your body. Reiki can be translated as “universal life energy”.
A Reiki distance treatment works in principle the same as a 1-on-1 treatment, because a practitioner works with the same universal life energy. By using specific techniques (such as visualization and specific symbols) that person transfers the energy and is also mentally present with you. The actual physical distance does not play a role here, you can live around the corner or even in another country; Reiki transcends time and space to reach the energetic body of the recipient.
This often sounds a bit vague to people who have never experienced it, but if you have ever experienced it, you know that it works.
With an online treatment, you agree on a day and time in advance, and you lie down or sit down relaxed.
For more information on how a distance treatment works and what you can do yourself, read my page reiki distance treatment.
How can Reiki help you with menopausal symptoms?
A treatment can help and support you in different ways. Such as:
Support hormonal balance
Because Reiki stimulates a better flow of energy, it can help to balance hormonal fluctuations. This can reduce or lessen the intensity of hot flashes, for example.
Reducing stress
All the mental and physical changes that menopause brings can cause a lot of stress. Reiki is very relaxing, which helps to reduce your stress reactions and feel more balanced. The production of, for example, the stress hormone cortisol can decrease.
Improve your sleep
Many women wake up one or more times during the menopause, or suffer from insomnia. Due to the relaxing effect of Reiki, it can contribute to a better night’s sleep.
Relief of physical complaints
During menopause you can also have physical complaints, such as muscle and joint pain and of course those hot flashes. There are also women who feel very tired. Through the relaxing effect of Reiki and activating your energy, many women experience a reduction in these physical complaints.
Calming emotions
Reiki helps to release emotions that can be stronger during the transition, such as irritation, fear and sadness.
Some tips on what you can do yourself during menopause
In addition to a reiki treatment, online or in person, a massage can also be very supportive, and has many overlaps with reiki in what it can do for you.
But there are more natural ways that can support you:
Exercise: This may seem obvious, but getting enough exercise is always good for you. Yoga and walking, for example, also help to reduce stress.
Mindfulness: practicing mindfulness and increasing your awareness helps you to become more balanced and to become less or no longer carried away by what you feel and experience physically and mentally.
Relaxation exercises and meditation: for example, consider a (guided) body scan to relax your entire body one by one. There are many types of meditations that can also have a direct relaxing effect on your body and mind. See here some free videos
Nutrition: Just like sufficient exercise, good nutrition is always important. In the blog about massage and menopause, you will find a section that goes into more detail about tips for nutrition, such as reducing sugar, caffeine, salt and alcohol and eating more complex carbohydrates and food with omega 3 and magnesium.
If you have very serious complaints or other health problems, it is advisable to contact your doctor or other healthcare provider for possible medication or other type of help.
Reiki as energetic support if you suffer from menopausal symptoms
A distance Reiki treatment is very accessible and can really help you if you suffer from, for example, hot flashes, mood swings, night sweats, restlessness or poor sleep.
Because with an online session it does not matter where you and the practitioner are located, my advice would be to feel who suits you best and what else your session entails, for example a debriefing or extra tips. The practitioner must at least have Reiki level 2 or be a master.
If you have any questions or would like to book a session with me, you can email, call or text me at +31 6 21566557
On my prices and locations page you will find an overview of treatments and prices.
Hi, my name is Jolinda, and I work as a holistic health practitioner. I provide yoga and meditation classes and massage and Reiki treatments, mindfulness training and happiness coaching,.
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