Complementary care: Reiki as Alternative therapy in Euthanasia

Poppy field as supportive photo for Reiki as complementary care and alternative therapy for euthanasia.

Reiki is an alternative therapy that can be combined very well with the medical care provided in euthanasia.
As complementary care, it can provide physical, emotional and spiritual support.
For people preparing for euthanasia, Reiki can help relieve tension, anxiety and pain, while promoting a sense of inner calm and peace.

This ancient Japanese healing method is based on channeling universal life energy.

Euthanasia is a very intense and emotional event, both for the person who it will be applied to and for the immediate environment. I provide Reiki distance treatments in a respectful manner where the wishes and needs of the person and relatives are essential.
I give Reiki to people and also to animals.

How is Reiki given during euthanasia?

In principle, I provide a distance Reiki treatment when euthanasia is administered.
My experience is that people only want to have immediate loved ones around them, in addition to medical staff. It is also my personal preference. It is a very intense and intimate event, and this way I am mentally and energetically present but not physically in the same space, which can potentially cause nuisance.
For more general information on how a distance Reiki works, see my distance healing page.
In the case of euthanasia, the form of guidance is slightly different. I discuss this further below.

How does a distance Reiki treatment work in euthanasia?

Treatment usually starts half an hour before euthanasia is administered.

This can ensure:

  • Relief of physical symptoms such as pain
  • Emotional support and reduce anxiety, stress and depression
  • Promote a sense of calm and inner peace
  • Contribute to a more peaceful transition

The entire session usually lasts around an hour.
I often sense when someone has died and end the session some time later. How long this will be depends on what I feel is needed.

Days or weeks prior to the date and time that euthanasia will be performed, it will be agreed how the communication will be like afterwards and with whom. For example, that this person contacts me and not the other way around. This can be on the same day, but also in the following days. In that case I will not send a message when the treatment has ended.
This contact can be made by telephone, email or what’s app. You can also opt for a spoken What’s App message, so that loved ones and relatives can listen to it whenever it suits them.
I will share what I have felt, seen and/or noticed.

What does the Reiki treatment offer for loved ones and relatives?

My experience is that indicating what I have energetically felt or seen in the person who is dying, gives peace and tranquility to the loved ones and relatives and helps in their coping process.
For example, confirmation of the moment of peaceful passing can help relatives enormously.

Complementary care in the period prior to euthanasia

People may have to deal with existential questions and fears in their final phase of life.
In addition to physical support, Reiki can also provide support on a mental and spiritual level.
One or more treatments may be given in the days or weeks preceding death.

Prices for reiki distance treatment in euthanasia

In general, the guidance lasts about 1.5 hours, with the treatment itself taking around 1 hour.
If I feel that longer is necessary, I will do so, without charging any additional costs.
Price: € 80

More information about online Reiki sessions and what information I need in advance from the person receiving the treatment can be found on the Reiki distance healing page.

experience reiki when a loved one dies

Feelings of peace and tranquility
We are so grateful that Jolinda did a session for my father. How special it was that she felt exactly to the minute when he died. It was nice and helpful to hear that she felt a deep sense of peace in that moment. That confirmation meant more to me than I thought and I certainly think it helped me in my grieving process.
financial advisor
Portret Jolinda Cath

For almost 30 years I have been practicing Reiki and have been providing Reiki Distance healing sessions to many people. My master’s level has helped me a lot to develop my intuition, clairsentience and sensitivity
Reiki I: 1997 
Reiki II :1998.
Reiki Master: 2017

Certification Reiki Master Jolinda Cath

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