Cursus in Reiki I en II: Leer jezelf en anderen energetisch behandelen
Leer Reiki I of Reiki II van het traditionele Usui-systeem.
Op dit moment geef ik training in Reiki I en Reiki II samen met Feras Fanous, Reiki Master in Jordanie. De training vind plaats op Ayla, Aqaba.
Ons eerst volgende cursus zal zeer waarschijnlijk in februari 2022 plaats vinden. De exacte data za binnenkort bevestigd worden.
Meer informatie over deze cursus vind je hieronder, in het Engels.
Ik ben in het process om Reiki cursussen online aan te bieden. Deze hoop ik eind 2022 klaar te hebben.
Reiki cursus
Reiki is een eeuwen oude japanse genezings methode, die je kunt vertalen als ‘Univsersele Levensenergie’. Door middel van handoplegging, wordt energie doorgegeven om het eigen natuurlijke helingsproces en vermogen te activeren, op zowel lichamelijk als geestelijk gebied.
We worden allemaal geboren met pure energie en de kracht om onszelf te genezen Door de jaren heen kunnen gewoonten en overtuigingen die energiestroom echter verstoren en blokkeren, wat onbalans kan brengen en een verlies van vitalitei.
Wat Reiki onderscheidt van andere vormen van aanrakingstherapie zijn de initiaties die de beoefenaar ontvangt. Deze initiaties openen de zo genaamde energie kanalen in een individu, die het lichaam en de geest op zo’n manier op elkaar afstemmen dat die energiestroom aanzienlijk wordt verhoogd. En je staat in direct contact met de universele levenskracht.
Na een initiatie zijn deze kanalen voor altijd open.
In Reiki I worden vier initiaties gegeven. Bij Reiki II één initiatie.
Reiki cursus programma in Jordanië 2021
Reiki Level I
Learn Reiki level I of the traditional Usui system plus extra tools for scanning and healing chakras and aura.
The training and practice takes around 12 hours in total and is divided over 2 mornings (9.00 – 12.00) and 2 afternoons (14.00 – 17.00)
-You will learn the history, principles and precepts of Traditional Usui Reiki.
-You will have time for hands-on practice with your fellow students and your teacher.
-At the end of the training you are ready to practice Reiki on yourself, family, friends, pets and your surroundings (such as home, food, workplace, plants, etc).
Additionally in this course, you:
– will learn extra tools for chakra and aura scanning and healing.
– get in-depth information about chakra’s
– learn how to protect your aura.
Reiki Level II
Learn Reiki Level II of the traditional Usui system plus extra tools for scanning and healing chakras and aura.
You will deepen your practice and you learn how to work with Reiki symbols. You will also learn how to do a distance healing.
We offer a free refresh training of the Reiki level I plus the extra tools as described above at Level I.
Training and attunement level II will be Saturday afternoon.
Reiki Level II training course we recommend to take after you have been practicing Reiki over some period of time.
We believe practicing Reiki regularly is important for your own development, healing and energy frequency
For who is this course
Reiki is for everybody who is interested in healing energy.
A Reiki treatment and training supports and activates the natural healing process and works on a physical and mental level.
Reiki is for everybody, for all age and backgrounds.
Reiki is free of religion and can be very well be combined with any other modalities.
Friday, date to be confirmed
9.00 – 12.00 – Training – practice – attunement
Lunch break, transfer back to the Marina and hotel
Free time.
14.00 – 17.00 Training – practice – attunement
Transfer back to Ayla marina and hotel
Free time for dinner.
Saturday, date to be confirmed
Free time for breakfast.
9.00 – 12.00 – Training – practice – attunement
Lunch break, transfer back to the Marina and hotel
Free time.
14.00 – 17.00 Training – practice – attunement /training and attunement Level II
Transfer back to Ayla marina and hotel
Free time for dinner.
About the Reiki master instructors

Feras Fanous is the owner and operator of Reiki Mastery. He offers Reiki course in Jordan and Middle East. He is a traditional Usui reiki master and took nontraditional higher levels up to level 18 grand master.
More information is available on his website
Jolinda Cath, is the owner and operator of Flow Spirit. She offers holistic therapies in Jordan and the Netherlands. She is a traditional Usui reiki master. More information see the Reiki page and background
About the revenue and accommodation
Our retreat training is taking place at the Golf Club inside Ayla.
We have chosen for this location due to the space, privacy and silence.
Additional we choose for Ayla, due to their great support and enthusiasm for this retreat as well that during Friday lockdown it is possible to move freely inside Ayla.
The course is without accommodation. We are happy with the cooperation with Hyatt hotel and Cloud 7. And they offer our students special rates.
Booking you will do directly with the provider. More details can be provided.
Corona proof
Our training and revenue meets the Covid regulations. With a Reiki treatment you can keep social distance.
Fees and registration
Fees per person:
Reiki Level I
JD 106
Reiki Level II
JD 142
Including free refresh Reiki level I
The course will be with minimum 10 and maximum 20 people.
Training Includes:
- All training sessions
- Training manual
- Transfers inside to / from Ayla Golf Club
- 2 sandwich lunches
- Snacks and water
- Certification
Fees are exclude:
- Transportation to Ayla, Aqaba
- Accommodation
- Food not mentioned
To register, we request the full payment of the course in advance, payable in-person in Aqaba or via Western Union.
Contact Jolinda Cath in Aqaba at 077- 5126694 or
Upon receipt of your payment, we’ll send you final confirmation of your attendance with more information.
Deadline registration will be confirmed
Previous course in 2020: